(the complete) little story of the City Owl

Well, City Owl Visits the Barnyard just doesn't have the suspense to have been sprinkled in bits over the last month, so here it is all together:

Jacob is a Snowy Owl. He lives in the city.
Every morning when the sun comes up, Jacob yawns,
stretches to the left, stretches to the right,
and takes a good look around.
"Hoo-aw!" Jacob remembered, today is the day I will visit Emma."
Jacob swooped down from his nest to the train going out of the city.
He passed the theater.
He passed the cherry on the spoon.
He passed the stadium.
The buildings began to seem small.
The houses of people were lined up in rows.
The train stopped. But Jacob was not at Emma's house yet.
Jacob flew, and flew, and flew until the houses lined up in rows began to look small.
Finally, Jacob flew into the big, brown barn with white letters on it.
"Emma!" Jacob called. But Emma was sleeping. Jacob waited.
Emma is a Barn Owl. Every evening when the sun goes down,
Emma yawns, stretches to the left, stretches to the right, and takes a good look around.
"Jacob!" Emma screeched, "Let's play!"
Jacob and Emma found rocks in the stream.
Jacob and Emma played tag in a field.
They built a straw fort.
"Hoo-aw," Jacob sighed at last. He snuggled up in the straw and fell asleep.
The next morning, Jacob yawned, stretched the left, stretched to the right, and spotted Emma in the haystack.
It was Emma's bedtime. "Sweet dreams," Jacob said. "Thanks for visiting," Emma said.
Jacob flew, and flew, and flew back to the train. He rode past the farms and the houses lined up in rows back to the city.
"Hoo-aw," Jacob said. "It's nice to visit a friend. And it's nice to come home."

Who can guess where it takes place??


  1. I know, I know!(where it takes place) :)
    Onpas kiva kertomus!!


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