One of the best traits of good picture books (really, any good book) is their ability to show the way into the reader's own imagination.
I am 98% convinced that my own beloved rabbit, who disappeared without a trace after being by my bed for fourteen years, turned Real. More on that later.
But the newest book on the block to tickle imagination buttons, in a very 2011 way, is:
The trailer is pretty cute, yes? Nothing sums up the interactive originality of the book like seeing it for yourself. I thought the book was clever, and I'd like to try some activities linked to it with a group of five-year-olds. When is it that kids start manipulating technology with instructions like press here, or tap twice? (My 15-month-old learned how to scroll through the pictures of her on my phone 4 months ago.)
We just checked this book out last week from the library. They've only had it for a couple weeks and my 4 year old just laughed and laughed throughout the entire book. He loves it and wants to read it over and over again. Such a great book!!